


Uždegti norą mokytis visą gyvenimą

Montesori ugdymo sistema visapusiškam vaiko augimui

Ąžuolyno darželis buvo įkurtas 2017 m. po ilgų ieškojimų atradus jaukias patalpas visai šalia Ąžuolyno parko. Ši vieta lėmė ir pavadinimo pasirinkimą.

Jau nuo pirmųjų dienų žinojome, kad sieksime kuo profesionalesnio ugdymo ir tikro nuoširdaus bendravimo su vaikais ir jų šeimomis. Pasirinkome Montesori ugdymo sistemą dėl holistinio požiūrio ir pagarbos vaikui.  Ši sistema yra paremta moksliniu stebėjimu ir yra laiko patikrinta visame pasaulyje.

Montesori ugdymo įstaigos įkvepia pasitikėti savimi, ugdo nenutrūkstamą vaiko norą mokytis, atrasti ir socialinio bendravimo įgūdžius aplinkoje, kurioje mokytojai skatina, įtraukia ir vertina individualų vaiką. Vaikai mokosi išmokti, ir tai paruošia kiekvieną vaiką būsimam akademiniam ir socialiniam meistriškumui.

Aplinkoje, kurioje svarbiausia- pagarba ir supratingumas, mes stengiamės puoselėti kiekvieno vaiko dvasią ir suteikti saugią erdvę jam augti ir tobulėti savo tempu.

azuolynodarzelis.lt apie mus

Kaip ugdymą darželyje matome mes?

Nesibaigianti tobulėjimo kelionė

  • Mūsų misija

    Uždegti vaikus mokytis visą gyvenimą. Ugdyti savarankiškas, žingeidžias ir gerbiančias asmenybes.

  • Mūsų vizija

    Siekiame tapti ne tik profesionalia ikimokykline Montesori ugdymo įstaiga, bet ir centru tėvams, kuriame jie sulauktų pagalbos auginat vaikus nuo pat pirmųjų dienų.

  • Filosofija

    Ugdome vaikus gyvenimui remdamiesi Montesori pedagogika ir požiūriu į pasaulį.

Prepare your child for school readiness

Feel The Difference

What gives our schools the quality you feel the moment you enter are the “pillars” of belief that support them. There are six core beliefs on which everything centers at our schools.

  1. Experiential Learning

    We help children connect with their surroundings in new ways, so they discover what is meaningful to them in the moment and in the future.

  2. Community

    A child’s educational success in large part depends on families, educators, peers and relevant members of the community.

  3. Collaboration

    Sharing new experiences and solving problems with others leads to a greater sense of connectedness – as well as meaningful learning experiences.

  4. Proven Models

    Several important learning models have been developed by educators around the world. The human connection must be a key component of learning.



Years of experience



Students Enrolled



Qualified Teachers



Total Groups

Get to know our staff

Dedicated Teachers & Staff

Our staff are dedicated to enhancing the lives of children with diverse special needs by providing evaluations and other services for children to achieve full and independent lives.


Preschool Classroom

She approaches teaching as a partnership with parents, each party child advocating from a different angle. By talking through issues as well as what is going right, together parents and teachers can help a child reach his full potential.


Preschool Classroom

She approaches teaching as a partnership with parents, each party child advocating from a different angle. By talking through issues as well as what is going right, together parents and teachers can help a child reach his full potential.


Toddler Classroom

Born seventh in a family of ten children, Jamey has been surrounded by young children all of her life. Combined with her extraordinary teaching skills and warm, nurturing personality, she has created truly excellent and welcoming our ChildIt centre.


Toddler Classroom

She has never tired of the “ah-ha” moments and the pride that swells in a little one who is learning to do something for the first time. A great teacher is someone who is thoughtful, creative and dedicated to learning what makes each one of their students special!


Preschool Classroom

She approaches teaching as a partnership with parents, each party child advocating from a different angle. By talking through issues as well as what is going right, together parents and teachers can help a child reach his full potential.


Preschool Classroom

She approaches teaching as a partnership with parents, each party child advocating from a different angle. By talking through issues as well as what is going right, together parents and teachers can help a child reach his full potential.


Toddler Classroom

Born seventh in a family of ten children, Jamey has been surrounded by young children all of her life. Combined with her extraordinary teaching skills and warm, nurturing personality, she has created truly excellent and welcoming our ChildIt centre.


Toddler Classroom

She has never tired of the “ah-ha” moments and the pride that swells in a little one who is learning to do something for the first time. A great teacher is someone who is thoughtful, creative and dedicated to learning what makes each one of their students special!


Preschool Classroom

She approaches teaching as a partnership with parents, each party child advocating from a different angle. By talking through issues as well as what is going right, together parents and teachers can help a child reach his full potential.


Preschool Classroom

She approaches teaching as a partnership with parents, each party child advocating from a different angle. By talking through issues as well as what is going right, together parents and teachers can help a child reach his full potential.


Toddler Classroom

Born seventh in a family of ten children, Jamey has been surrounded by young children all of her life. Combined with her extraordinary teaching skills and warm, nurturing personality, she has created truly excellent and welcoming our ChildIt centre.


Toddler Classroom

She has never tired of the “ah-ha” moments and the pride that swells in a little one who is learning to do something for the first time. A great teacher is someone who is thoughtful, creative and dedicated to learning what makes each one of their students special!

Professional and graduated

Our Staff are Guided by the Principles of

Above and beyond our already stringent code of ethics and guidelines for continuing education, our professional staff are guided by the principles and ethical codes of the following clinical and educational organizations:

  • American Speech & Hearing Association (ASHA)

  • Bell Academy for Listening and Spoken Language

  • American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)

  • Audiology Foundation of America

  • American Board of Audiology